The author of this blog is Robert Steele, residing somewhere in the United States, the Caribbean or England (weather permitting), whose writing has not appeared in The Weekly Standard, National ReviewThe American Spectator, Human Events and Front Page Magazine.

Artist rendering.
Not actual size.


If This is Peace...

A jeremiad is defined as "a prolonged lamentation or mournful complaint." That's a pretty good description of every post in this category.

You Pull a Fitna, They Pitch a Fit

What’s a fitna? Some infidels start grousing about fundamentalist Muslims occupying their land, or making off with their stuff, or selling their women and children into slavery? It´s a fitna!


You Can’t Spell ‘Muhammad’ Without ‘Ham’

Note that the woman wasn’t offended by the smell of bacon. Nor by the sight of bacon. This poor woman’s sensitivities are so finely attuned that she was “personally offended” by the sight of the word ‘BACON‘ on a street sign.


Boom Times on Chicken Street

This unfortunate event follows another just a week prior, in which 22 people were killed when the weapons of three extremely peaceful Islamist gunmen evidently went off accidentally and repeatedly...


The One True Religion

When the Christians came along they were quite sure they had it; and just to finalize the matter, they invented Hell, and told the Jews that they were welcome to go there.


Women Entombed

Do the feminists of the West simply regard such atrocities as part of the “culture” of Islamic societies and thus somehow beyond serious reproach?