You Can’t Spell ‘Muhammad’ Without ‘Ham’

From here: “Local Winooski, Vermont restaurant Sneakers Bistro has removed a [street] sign that read, ‘Yield For Sneakers Bacon’ citing opposition from a Muslim community member and safety concerns. The sign was put up as part of a city program that allows businesses to post an advertisement in an area where they have helped maintain city flowerbeds. The sign was removed after a woman, identifying herself as a Muslim, posted in an online community forum stating she was personally offended by the sign, which she called ‘insensitive to those who do not consume pork’.”

“Safety concerns”? Oh, my. Whatever might that mean?

Note that the woman wasn’t offended by the smell of bacon. Nor by the sight of bacon. This poor woman’s sensitivities are so finely attuned that she was “personally offended” by the sight of the word ‘BACON‘ on a street sign.

And what about the so-called “city flowerbeds“? Don’t the cruel, insensitive brutes of Winooski know that among the desert tribes of Arabia flowerbeds are not much in evidence? Aren’t the mere existence of “city flowerbeds” an insult to persons whose religion is of Arab descent?

I’m being silly, of course. Nobody has complained about the flowerbeds. Yet.

What’s next? People offended by bunny rabbits? Ridiculous! That wouldn’t happen. Oh, wait…

Muslims Object to Easter Eggs: Muslim moms and dads in Dearborn, Mich. are upset after students received flyers promoting an Easter Egg hunt at a local Presbyterian church.” There was deep concern about the religious implications of the church’s “Eggstravaganza!” “They were also troubled by images of a bunny rabbit.”

And here: Muslim outrage over “beauty pageants, pork products, cartoon depictions of Mohammed, the letter X, the number 39, the story of The Three Little Pigs, the Apple Store on 5th Avenue, the bottoms of your shoes, the Pope, Mickey Mouse, Barbie dolls, yodeling, neckties, music on radio stations…”

Being an infidel, I’m not bothered by any of that. But I must admit there are some things that I find a tad disagreeable, such as this: “British Aid Worker Beheaded in Islamic State Video“—preceded as it was by headlines concerning videos of the beheading of the American before that, and the other American before that, and speculation about who the next unlucky contestant might be.

Something about hacking off a man’s head in the service of one’s religion rubs me the wrong way. I might even describe myself as personally offended by it.

Fortunately, a wave of contentment washed over me when I found a moldy news snippet in which our former president was quoted as saying that the “Islamic Stateis not and never was the least bit Islamic at all; and of former British PM David Cameron reassuring us, during a speech regarding how the British government was a bit cross with the aforementioned and entirely non-Islamic “Islamic State” that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

So that’s that. Now we can forget about such unsavory distractions and get back to being outraged by Cadbury chocolates and Burger King ice cream.