The author of this blog is Robert Steele, residing somewhere in the United States, the Caribbean or England (weather permitting), whose writing has not appeared in The Weekly Standard, National ReviewThe American Spectator, Human Events and Front Page Magazine.

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Recalcitrant Rebel Recycles Relevancy

Jane has achieved the age of eighty-two as of this writing. Alas, she has acquired wealth, but not wisdom. She is wizened, but not wise. She has not so much put away childish things as exchanged some childish things for others.


It's the Economy, Comrade!

Just as Rousseau believed that man is born free yet everywhere is in chains, the Democrat hopefuls believe that man is born rich but some greedy bastards grabbed all the goodies and left the rest holding an empty sack.


Slip Sliding Away: A Local Establishment and Its Discontents

Those fiends! Starvation and dehydration and neglect I could withstand beyond the endurance of lesser men. But that appalling cacophony was the one brutal assault on the senses that I cannot abide for more than a minute.


Immigration: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

We have illegals by the millions; Mexico doesn't have any. I wonder if we're doing something wrong.


Your "Sh**hole" or Mine?

They should put down their "Immigrants Welcome" signs and actually welcome some immigrants to stay at their houses. "Immigrants Welcome"? Great! How many can we put you down for?


You Pull a Fitna, They Pitch a Fit

What’s a fitna? Some infidels start grousing about fundamentalist Muslims occupying their land, or making off with their stuff, or selling their women and children into slavery? It´s a fitna!


To the Person Sitting in Darkness

At first we were careful not to promise too much; but we quickly saw that you treasured our promises as if they were real things, and not just blather; you wanted more and grander promises still—which we provided.


You Can’t Spell ‘Muhammad’ Without ‘Ham’

Note that the woman wasn’t offended by the smell of bacon. Nor by the sight of bacon. This poor woman’s sensitivities are so finely attuned that she was “personally offended” by the sight of the word ‘BACON‘ on a street sign.


Correspondence: Man vs. Earth

Is this given thing a big deal, or just nature doing what it will? Is that other thing not to be bothered about, or is it an existential foreshadowing of planetary doom?


Possible Catchy Title: Abraham Lincoln's Nazi Cat

I know that most great works of literature don't have appendicitises and indexes; but I intend to break with tradition and thereby produce something unique, groundbreaking, and unreadably long.


When Harry Became Sally

"We are at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia." —George Orwell, '1984'


Willian Henry Harrison—Our Last Real President

Harrison was in many ways the perfect president: he took the oath, made a speech nobody remembers, and died before he had a chance to screw up anything.


Bella the Bunny

Did not Romeo accidentally—and to his regret and grief—slay Tybalt with the merest prick of a friendly sword? Can we ask more caution and restraint of a Dachshund than of Shakespeare's immortal characters?


Time and Time Again

The second hand sweeps along in full and easy view—a delightful display of mechanical regularity. The other hands are problematic. Both of them are, like the second hand, in constant motion. Or so I'm told.


Boom Times on Chicken Street

This unfortunate event follows another just a week prior, in which 22 people were killed when the weapons of three extremely peaceful Islamist gunmen evidently went off accidentally and repeatedly...


Women Entombed

Do the feminists of the West simply regard such atrocities as part of the “culture” of Islamic societies and thus somehow beyond serious reproach?


Chicken Little Went to Town

Floridians in particular will remember the Al-Gore-For-President Creative Recount Team struggling mightily to include hanging chads, pregnant chads, and even chads that weren't pregnant yet but hoped to start a family some day.


An Open Letter to Two New American Citizens

You didn't pass out over too many tequila shots in Ciudad Juarez and wake up in El Paso with a killer hangover and nowhere to go. You got here the legal way: you paid you dues and bided your time and traveled far to get here.


The One True Religion

When the Christians came along they were quite sure they had it; and just to finalize the matter, they invented Hell, and told the Jews that they were welcome to go there.


The Unbearable Lightness of Being Neils Bohr

Two waves and a particle walk into a bar... I have finally had a chance to study the theories of Niels Bohr and some of the other heavy hitters in the wave-versus-particle smackdown. Who knew these guys could be fun?


News Item: Volcano Causes Cow Flatulence

Who could believe a volcano, one of Mother Nature’s special wonders, would turn on us like this? After all, volcanoes are part of nature, and nature is always natural, and everything natural is good.


The Big, Blazing Blue Marble

I like green. You know what else likes green? Earth! All the plants. All the animals. All of life on Earth. Green is great! Who doesn't like green? We like green instinctively, because green is synonymous with life itself.


Wheat Beer and Where You Can't Find It

Alas, wheat beers are non-existent in South Africa. Not a single establishment where I inquired about them (and I inquired everywhere I went) knew what I was talking about when I asked for one.


A Cunning Linguist, Part 2: Noam Chomsky’s Bi-Curious Capitalism

[In Chomsky's estimation] business is mostly bad. Government that funds the military is of course bad. Government that funds "social programs" is good. (Government that funds Chomsky is just dandy.)


Helenmarie Deborah Gertrude Steyn Koen 1936 - 2016

Well, now you've done it. In all the years I have known you, you have never disappointed me once, until now: by leaving the world when so many of us wanted you to stay.


A Cunning Linguist: Noam Chomsky’s Documentary “Requiem for the American Dream”

Wikipedia describes Noam Chomsky as a "... linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist." Some have suggested that he might have done the world a favor by sticking to linguistics...